Find out why you NEED more than one checking and savings account. Learn to pay off debt faster and maximize your savings with these essential bank accounts every mom should make sure they have. Must-have Multiple bank accounts for budgeting When I turned 18, my parents helped me open a checking account, a savings account,…
How to Easily Create a Budget in 5 Easy Steps
You don’t need to know a lot about money to create a budget. With these simple budgeting tips, you can easily save money and build savings. Everything you need to know about starting a budget + a free monthly budgeting worksheet Learning how to create a budget is more important than you think! Adulting sucks. Do…
How To Easily Pay Off Debt FAST
Getting tired of being in debt and living paycheck to paycheck? It is totally possible to get out of debt fast with these simple ideas to pay off debt fast! How To Pay Off Debt FAST I’ve heard hundreds of suggestions on how to pay off debt fast and most of them are just ridiculous. If one…
How To Save Money During the Holidays
The Holidays are fast approaching and so is all the jolliness and merriment of the season… as well as the spending! But you can learn some easy tips to Save Money During the Holidays Simple Tips For Saving Money During the Holidays Trying to Save Money During the Holidays can seem impossible… but it can be…
25 Things Frugal People DON’T Do
Ever wonder how frugal people do it? There are some easy ways you can live more frugally and save money by NOT doing these certain things. These are the simple things frugal people DON’T do to save tons of money… How to Live More Frugally I am striving every day to live a more frugal…
How Do Single Moms Survive Financially
How to Survive financially as a single mom can seem really tough at first. But you can learn how to thrive on just one income while still being the best parent you can be to your kids. How Do Single Moms Survive Financially? The fear of surviving financially as a single mom is probably what kept me…