Have you ever wondered what it takes to become a wealthy person? Find out the secret habits of wealthy people and become one yourself! Habits of wealthy people Have you ever looked at a giant house and thought, what does that person do for a living to be able to afford that? A lot of times…
How To Use Your Credit Cards Responsibly
Following these simple rules of how to use your credit cards could save you from struggling with debt for the rest of your life. This is what you need to know to use your credit cards responsibly Credit Card Rules To Live By Not sure how to how to use your credit cards responsibly? No…
15 Things To Cut From Your Budget To Save Money
Looking for ways to cut back and save money? You can do it with this list of 15 things to easily cut from your budget to save money. What You Need To Cut From Your Budget Another paycheck comes and within minutes of it hitting your account, it’s almost back to nothing after paying all…
This Is Why You Shouldn’t Follow Dave Ramsey’s Advice
Living debt-free sounds wonderful. And many do that by following Dave Ramsey’s advice. But here are some examples of when NOT to listen to Dave Ramsey. When You Shouldn’t Listen to Dave Ramsey’s Advice Dave Ramsey is known for being a financial genius and getting thousands of people out of debt. But while I agree…
This Is Why Your Credit Score Is So Important
Most people think a credit score is only needed for people who want to buy a house, but there’s actually a lot more to it than that. Why Is A Credit Score so Important? Let’s talk about your credit score. We all got ’em. Whether we like it or not. For some, a high credit…
A Simple Way to Budget With the 50/30/20 Budgeting Rule
Starting a budget can actually be painless and simple if you start off using the 50/30/20 budgeting rule. Looking For an Easy Way to Budget? The 50/30/20 Budgeting Rule is a great budgeting tool for beginners! So maybe you are just starting off on your own and responsible for your money for the first time in…